Ga naar Academisch Schrijven Vervolgcursus

Academisch Schrijven in het Engels

Engelse schrijftechnieken voor academische publicaties

Academisch Schrijven in het Engels is een cursus voor promovendi, postdocs en ervaren wetenschappers van de Graduate School van de Universiteit Utrecht en andere universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen.

From the creator of ReallyWrite!

This course is now available in a self-paced online format! You still receive feedback on your writing and have a one-on-one meeting with me in the online version of the course. You can start at any time and you have two months to complete the course.

What's the academic writing course about?

The way that you communicate your research determines how well your intended audience understands the impact of your results. Too often research results are misinterpreted because they are vague or so full of jargon that it is hard--sometimes too hard-- to figure out what the writer actually intended to say. I advocate writing clearly and concisely to ensure the maximum impact. Learning to write clearly in a growing trend in academia.

This course is for you if you feel like you were thrown into hot water when you started writing about your research: you have all the information in your head, but you may struggle to get it down in a clear and logical way on paper. Whether you have just started your PhD or you are a tenured professor, it’s never too late to learn these strategies. I would even say that it’s more important for tenured professors and those supervising student writing to improve their skills so that they can learn to talk about the quality and clarity of a student’s writing using objective language.

In this course, participants learn how to improve the quality and professionalism of their academic writing while analyzing and editing the work(s) they intend to publish. By applying the techniques presented in the course, they learn how to communicate a message clearly and effectively in English to an academic or scientific audience.

Each week, participants receive personalized, detailed feedback on their personal writing challenges. This course aims to give participants the skills to recognize what makes academic writing clear, concise, and even stylish, which will serve them throughout their academic career.

Voorbeelden van zaken die aan bod komen bij de Academische Schrijfcursus zijn:

  • het verbeteren van de opbouw van zinnen en alinea's in het Engels;
  • omslachtig taalgebruik omzetten in concrete en heldere formuleringen;
  • een balans vinden tussen formeel en informeel taalgebruik in academisch schrijven;
  • het correct toepassen van werkwoorden en tijden;
  • het opfrissen van grammatica en interpunctie regels;
  • het juist hanteren van verschillen tussen het Brits en Amerikaans-Engels;
  • het schrijven van brieven en e-mails.

De cursist ontvangt uitgebreide individuele feedback van de docent en van de andere deelnemers. Tevens vindt klassikale behandeling van de teksten van alle cursisten plaats. Het herschrijven en verbeteren van de eigen tekst staat in deze schrijfcursus centraal.

  • The online course offers you text and video to watch and read on your own time, feedback four times throughout the course and a one-on-one live meeting. Start the online course whenever you want!
  • The online course costs €475 per participant.
  • Students from the University of Utrecht Graduate School of Life Sciences can take this course for free via the PhD Course Center and will receive EC credits when the course is successfully completed. Check with your department to receive credits. Sign up via the PhD center of the GSLS.
  • To take full advantage of the course, students will need to set aside enough time for editing and revision each week.

Past students have joined from the following universities: Universiteit Utrecht - Universiteit voor Humanistiek - Leiden Universiteit - Hogeschool Utrecht - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Radboud Universiteit - Universiteit Twente - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Open Universiteit - Universiteit van Amsterdam - Nyenrode Business Universiteit - Wageningen University

Nu inschrijven

Now, I am even arguing (with my co-authors) about the English words, grammar, past or present, British versus American, concise writing and the flow of the text. That is what you want, isn’t it? To be a sparring partner in the English language. Taylor is a very good coach in bringing you up there! She teaches you how to shape your text into an excellent piece of art! And writing is fun now! Maaike S.

I now feel more comfortable and able to accurately express my ideas and have even started to correct my colleagues' work. I strongly recommend Taylor as a teacher. She perfectly mixes theory and direct practical advice on your own work.
Leila P.

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